Ep 9mm lower
I was very skeptical about the EP 9mm lower because of some bad reviews and negative comments about all of EP Armory's 80% lower receivers . But already having built several AR-15 rifles in 5.56 all the way up to 450 bushmaster (including a 7.62x39 pistol) and shooting hundreds of rounds through them all , I can say that everyone of their receivers have exceeded my expectations! Now, If you're unable to tweak certain things in a gun build , you shouldn't be building a gun in the first place! Now on to the 9mm build , the receiver went together without a problem , but take note these do not have LRHO , they do have a bolt catch that can be operated manually to facilitate cleaning and visually seeing a non chambered round.
If you read the instructions on the EP web sight , do not mill out the rear lug web just forward of the upper rear lug !!! Some people are unteachable ?!
I paired the lower with a BCA left side charging , right side ejecting 9mm upper , and installed an 8.3 oz buffer , remember this is a blowback firearm , with a combined weight , bolt and buffer , ( weigh them) of 23.6 oz . Any cheap Glock mag I have and The gun functions flawlessly!!! Steel , brass , aluminum ammo , Doesn't matter !! One hole groups , off hand , with open sights at 20 yds , it's a tack driver ! Is the rear take down pin tight ? Yes , but it's polymer, it doesn't matter !!! It will loosen up . I'm conclusion, I believe the EP 9 lower and the Bear Creek Armory 9mm upper is a match made in Heaven , the Devil in the details is you , the Builder !
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Reviewed by: Manuel Crawford from Lehigh Acres on 2/6/2023
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